Joseph DeGol

I am a Principal Researcher at Microsoft in Redmond. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign where I worked with Derek Hoiem, Tim Bretl, and Mani Golparvar-Fard to create and apply computer vision and robotics technologies to progress monitoring on construction sites. Our shared interest in this problem lead to the creation of a company called Reconstruct where I was the lead computer vision engineer.

In general, I am interested in using geometry alongside images or video for reasoning about objects and camera motion in a scene. This has lead to work in 3D Reconstruction, Fiducial Markers, Visual Odometry and Camera Pose Estimation, and Geometry-Informed Recognition. I also enjoy mountaineering, running, cycling, and board games.

I am a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellow, two-time NSF GRFP honorable mention, and 3M Fellow. I graduated with a B.S. in Computer Engineering and a B.S. in Mathematics from Penn State in 2012. I have worked at Microsoft Research, MIT Lincoln Lab, WIPRO, Penn State with Bob Collins, the University of Michigan with Ryan Eustice, Georgia Tech with Patricio Vela, and Virginia Tech with Scott McCrickard.

Curriculum Vitae



2014 NDSEG Essay

2014 NSF GRFP Essay


Optimizing Fiducial Marker Placement For Improved Visual Localization

Adding fiducial markers to a scene is a well-known strategy for making visual localization algorithms more robust. Traditionally, these marker locations are selected by humans who are familiar with visual localization techniques. This letter explores the problem of automatic marker placement within a scene. Specifically, given a predetermined set of markers and a scene model, we compute optimized marker positions within the scene that can improve accuracy in visual localization. Our main contribution is a novel framework for modeling camera localizability that incorporates both natural scene features and artificial fiducial markers added to the scene. We present optimized marker placement (OMP), a greedy algorithm that is based on the camera localizability framework. We have also designed a simulation framework for testing marker placement algorithms on 3D models and images generated from synthetic scenes. We have evaluated OMP within this testbed and demonstrate an improvement in the localization rate by up to 20 percent on four different scenes.

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Learning to Detect Scene Landmarks for Camera Localization

Modern camera localization methods that use image retrieval, feature matching, and 3D structure-based pose estimation require long-term storage of numerous scene images or a vast amount of image features. This can make them unsuitable for resource constrained VR/AR devices and also raises privacy concerns. We present a new learned camera localization technique that eliminates the need to store features or a detailed 3D point cloud. Our key idea is to implicitly encode the appearance of a sparse yet salient set of 3D scene points into a convolutional neural network (CNN) that can detect these scene points in query images whenever they are visible. We refer to these points as scene landmarks. We show that a CNN can be trained to regress bearing vectors for such landmarks even when they are not within the camera’s field-of-view. We demonstrate that the predicted landmarks yield accurate pose estimates and our method outperforms DSAC*, the state-of-the art in learned localization. Furthermore, extending HLoc by combining its correspondences with our predictions boosts its accuracy even further.

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PatchMatch-RL: Deep MVS with Pixelwise Depth, Normal, and Visibility

Recent learning-based multi-view stereo (MVS) methods show excellent performance with dense cameras and small depth ranges. However, non-learning based approaches still outperform for scenes with large depth ranges and sparser wide-baseline views, in part due to their PatchMatch optimization over pixelwise estimates of depth, normals, and visibility. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end trainable PatchMatch-based MVS approach that combines advantages of trainable costs and regularizations with pixelwise estimates. To overcome the challenge of the non-differentiable PatchMatch optimization that involves iterative sampling and hard decisions, we use reinforcement learning to minimize expected photometric cost and maximize likelihood of ground truth depth and normals. We incorporate normal estimation by using dilated patch kernels and propose a recurrent cost regularization that applies beyond frontal plane-sweep algorithms to our pixelwise depth/normal estimates. We evaluate our method on widely used MVS benchmarks, ETH3D and Tanks and Temples (TnT). On ETH3D, our method outperforms other recent learning-based approaches and performs comparably on advanced TnT.

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Oral Paper (13%)

PatchMatch-Based Neighborhood Consensus for Semantic Correspondence

We address estimating dense correspondences between two images depicting different but semantically related scenes. End-to-end trainable deep neural networks incorporating neighborhood consensus cues are currently the best methods for this task. However, these architectures require exhaustive matching and 4D convolutions over matching costs for all pairs of feature map pixels. This makes them computationally expensive. We present a more efficient neighborhood consensus approach based on PatchMatch. For higher accuracy, we propose to use a learned local 4D scoring function for evaluating candidates during the PatchMatch iterations. We have devised an approach to jointly train the scoring function and the feature extraction modules by embedding them into a proxy model which is end-to-end differentiable. The modules are trained in a supervised setting using a cross-entropy loss to directly incorporate sparse keypoint supervision. Our evaluation on PF-Pascal and SPair-71K shows that our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art on both datasets while also being faster and using less memory.

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Improving Structure from Motion with Reliable Resectioning

A common cause of failure in structure-from-motion (SfM) is misregistration of images due to visual patterns that occur in more than one scene location. Most work to solve this problem ignores image matches that are inconsistent according to the statistics of the tracks graph, but these methods often need to be tuned for each dataset and can lead to reduced completeness of normally good reconstructions when valid matches are removed. Our key idea is to address ambiguity directly in the reconstruction process by using only a subset of reliable matches to determine resectioning order and the initial pose. We also introduce a new measure of similarity that adjusts the influence of feature matches based on their track length. We show this improves reconstruction robustness for two state-of-the-art SfM algorithms on many diverse datasets.

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Oral Paper (13.2%)

gDLS*: Generalized Pose-and-Scale Estimation Given Scale and Gravity Priors

Many real-world applications in augmented reality (AR), 3D mapping, and robotics require both fast and accurate estimation of camera poses and scales from multiple images captured by multiple cameras or a single moving camera. Achieving high speed and maintaining high accuracy in a pose-and-scale estimator are often conflicting goals. To simultaneously achieve both, we exploit a priori knowledge about the solution space. We present gDLS*, a generalized-camera-model pose-and-scale estimator that utilizes rotation and scale priors. gDLS* allows an application to flexibly weigh the contribution of each prior, which is important since priors often come from noisy sensors. Compared to state-of-the-art generalized-pose-and-scale estimators (e.g. gDLS), our experiments on both synthetic and real data consistently demonstrate that gDLS* accelerates the estimation process and improves scale and pose accuracy.

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Towards Vision Based Robots for Monitoring Built Environments

In construction, projects are typically behind schedule and over budget, largely due to the difficulty of progress monitoring. Once a structure (e.g. a bridge) is built, inspection becomes an important yet dangerous and costly job. We can provide a solution to both problems if we can simplify or automate visual data collection, monitoring, and analysis. In this work, we focus specifically on improving autonomous image collection, building 3D models from the images, and recognizing materials for progress monitoring using the images and 3D models.

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Improved Structure from Motion Using Fiducial Marker Matching

In this paper, we present an incremental structure from motion (SfM) algorithm that significantly outperforms existing algorithms when fiducial markers are present in the scene, and that matches the performance of existing algorithms when no markers are present. Our algorithm uses markers to limit potential incorrect image matches, change the order in which images are added to the reconstruction, and enforce new bundle adjustment constraints. To validate our algorithm, we introduce a new dataset with 16 image collections of large indoor scenes with challenging characteristics (e.g., blank hallways, glass facades, brick walls) and with markers placed throughout. We show that our algorithm produces complete, accurate reconstructions on all 16 image collections, most of which cause other algorithms to fail. Further, by selectively masking fiducial markers, we show that the presence of even a small number of markers can improve the results of our algorithm.

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FEATS: Synthetic Feature Tracks for Structure from Motion Evaluation

We present FEATS (Feature Extraction and Tracking Simulator), that synthesizes feature tracks using a camera trajectory and scene geometry (e.g. CAD, laser, multi-view stereo). We introduce 2D feature and matching noise models that can be controlled through a simple set of parameters. We also provide a new dataset of images and ground truth camera pose. We process this data (and a synthetic version) with several current SfM algorithms and show that the synthetic tracks are representative of the real tracks. We then demonstrate several practical uses of FEATS: (1) we generate hundreds of trajectories with varying noise and show that COLMAP is more robust to noise than OpenSfM and VisualSfM; and (2) we calculate 3D point error and show that accurate camera pose estimates do not guarantee accurate 3D maps.

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Geometry and Appearance Based Reasoning of Construction Progress Monitoring

Although adherence to project schedules and budgets is most highly valued by project owners, more than 53% of typical construction projects are behind schedule and more than 66% suffer from cost overruns, partly due to inability to accurately capture construction progress. To address these challenges, this paper presents new geometry and appearance based reasoning methods for detecting construction progress, which has the potential to provide more frequent progress measures using visual data that are already being collected by general contractors. The initial step of geometry-based filtering detects the state of construction of Building Information Modeling (BIM) elements (e.g. in-progress, completed). The next step of appearance-based reasoning captures operation-level activities by recognizing different material types. Two methods have been investigated for the latter step: a texture-based reasoning for image-based 3D point clouds and color-based reasoning for laser scanned point clouds. This paper presents two case studies for each reasoning approach for validating the proposed methods. The results demonstrate the effectiveness and practical significances of the proposed methods.

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ChromaTag: A Colored Marker and Fast Detection Algorithm

Current fiducial marker detection algorithms rely on marker IDs for false positive rejection. Time is wasted on potential detections that will eventually be rejected as false positives. We introduce ChromaTag, a fiducial marker and detection algorithm designed to use opponent colors to limit and quickly reject initial false detections and gray scale for precise localization. Through experiments, we show that ChromaTag is significantly faster than current fiducial markers while achieving similar or better detection accuracy. We also show how tag size and viewing direction effect detection accuracy. Our contribution is significant because fiducial markers are often used in real-time applications (e.g. marker assisted robot navigation) where heavy computation is required by other parts of the system.

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Automatic Grasp Selection using a Camera in a Hand Prosthesis

In this paper, we demonstrate how automatic grasp selection can be achieved by placing a camera in the palm of a prosthetic hand and training a convolutional neural network on images of objects with corresponding grasp labels. Our labeled dataset is built from common graspable objects curated from the ImageNet dataset and from images captured from our own camera that is placed in the hand. We achieve a grasp classification accuracy of 93.2% and show through realtime grasp selection that using a camera to augment current electromyography controlled prosthetic hands may be useful.

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Oral Paper

Best Student Paper (3rd)

Geometry-Informed Material Recognition

Our goal is to recognize material categories using images and geometry information. In many applications, such as construction management, coarse geometry information is available. We investigate how 3D geometry (surface normals, camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters) can be used with 2D features (texture and color) to improve material classification. We introduce a new dataset, GeoMat, which is the first to provide both image and geometry data in the form of: (i) training and testing patches that were extracted at different scales and perspectives from real world examples of each material category, and (ii) a large scale construction site scene that includes 160 images and over 800,000 hand labeled 3D points. Our results show that using 2D and 3D features both jointly and independently to model materials improves classification accuracy across multiple scales and viewing directions for both material patches and images of a large scale construction site scene.

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Spotlight Paper (9.7%)

A Passive Mechanism for Relocating Payloads with a Quadrotor

We present a passive mechanism for quadrotor vehicles and other hover-capable aerial robots based on the use of a cam-follower mechanism. This mechanism has two mating parts, one attached to the quadrotor and the other attached to a payload. These two parts are joined by a toggle switch— push to connect, push to disconnect—that is easy to activate with the quadrotor by varying thrust. We discuss the design parameters and provide an inertial model for our mechanism. With hardware experiments, we demonstrate the use of this passive mechanism to autonomously place a wireless camera in several different locations on the underside of a steel beam. Our mechanism is open source and can be easily fabricated with a 3D printer.

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A Clustering Approach for Detecting Moving Objects Captured by a Moving Aerial Vehicle

We propose a novel approach to motion detection in scenes captured from a camera onboard an aerial vehicle. In particular, we are interested in detecting small objects such as cars or people that move slowly and independently in the scene. Slow motion detection in an aerial video is challenging because it is difficult to differentiate object motion from camera motion. We adopt an unsupervised learning approach that requires a grouping step to define slow object motion. The grouping is done by building a graph of edges connecting dense feature keypoints. Then, we use camera motion constraints over a window of adjacent frames to compute a weight for each edge and automatically prune away dissimilar edges. This leaves us with groupings of similarly moving feature points in the space, which we cluster and differentiate as moving objects and background. With a focus on surveillance from a moving aerial platform, we test our algorithm on the challenging VIRAT aerial data set [1] and provide qualitative and quantitative results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our detection approach.

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Don't drop it! Pick it up and storyboard

Storyboards offer designers a way to illustrate a narrative. Their creation can be enabled by tools supporting sketching or widget collections. As designers often incorporate previous ideas, we contribute the notion of blending the reappropriation of artifacts and their design tradeoffs with storyboarding. We present PIC-UP, a storyboarding tool supporting reappropriation, and report on two studies--a long-term investigation with novices and interviews with experts. We discuss how it may support design thinking, tailor to different expertise levels, facilitate reappropriation during storyboarding, and assist with communication.

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Camera Localization

Pixel correspondence via patch-based neighborhood consensus

Fiducial Web For Computer Vision

Computation of point clouds and joint display of point clouds and building information models with project schedules for monitoring construction progress, productivity, and risk for delays


Wheeler Peak

from Williams Lake Trailhead via West Face

September 4, 2023

13,161 ft

4,011 m

Kit Carson Peak

from Willow and South Crestone Trailhead via West Ridge

September 2, 2023

14,165 ft

4,317 m

Challenger Point

from Willow and South Crestone Trailhead via North Slopes

September 2, 2023

14,081 ft

4,292 m

Mount Eolus

from Needleton Trailhead via Northeast Ridge

August 30, 2023

14,084 ft

4,293 m

North Eolus

from Needleton Trailhead via South Ridge

August 30, 2023

14,039 ft

4,279 m

Windom Peak

from Needleton Trailhead via West Ridge

August 30, 2023

14,087 ft

4,294 m

Sunlight Peak

from Needleton Trailhead via South Slopes

August 30, 2023

14,059 ft

4,285 m

Crestone Peak

from South Colony Lakes Trailhead via South Face

September 23, 2022

14,294 ft

4,356 m

Blanca Peak

from Lake Como Trailhead via Northwest Face

September 18, 2022

14,345 ft

4,372 m

San Luis Peak

from Stewart Creek Trailhead via Northeast Ridge

September 5, 2022

14,014 ft

4,271 m

Wetterhorn Peak

from Matterhorn Creek Trailhead via Southeast Ridge

Septemebr 3, 2022

14,015 ft

4,271 m

Uncompahgre Peak

from Nellie Creek Trailhead via South Ridge

August 27, 2022

14,309 ft

4,361 m

Mount Sneffels

from Blue Lakes Trailhead via South Slopes

August 24, 2022

14,150 ft

4,312 m

Handies Peak

from American Basin Trailhead via West Slopes

August 14, 2022

14,048 ft

4,282 m

Mount Antero

from Baldwin Gulch Trailhead via West Slopes

August 12, 2022

14,276 ft

4,351 m

Mount Shuksan

from Shannon Ridge Trailhead via
Sulphide Glacier and Southeast Ridge

August 6, 2022

9,131 ft

2,783 m

Redcloud Peak

from Silver Creek/Grizzly Gulch Trailhead via Sunshine Peak

October 3, 2021

14,034 ft

4,278 m

Sunshine Peak

from Silver Creek/Grizzly Gulch Trailhead via Northwest Face

October 3, 2021

14,001 ft

4,268 m

Humboldt Peak

from South Colony Lakes Trailhead via West Ridge

September 25, 2021

14,064 ft

4,287 m

Mount of the Holy Cross

from Half Moon Trailhead via North Ridge

September 19, 2021

14,005 ft

4,269 m

Mauna Kea

from North Cottonwood Trailhead via West Slopes

July 5, 2021

13,803 ft

4,207 m

Mount Columbia

from North Cottonwood Trailhead via West Slopes

October 3, 2020

14,073 ft

4,289 m

Mount Harvard

from North Cottonwood Trailhead via South Slopes

October 2, 2020

14,420 ft

4,395 m

Torreys Peak

from Grays Peak Trailhead via South Slopes

October 1, 2020

14,267 ft

4,349 m

Grays Peak

from Grays Peak Trailhead via North Slopes

October 1, 2020

14,270 ft

4,350 m

Mount Saint Helens

from Climbers Bivouac Trailhead via Monitor Ridge

September 29, 2020

8,365 ft

2,550 m

Mount Baker

from Scott Paul Trail via Squak Glacier

August 5, 2020

10,781 ft

3,286 m

Mount Adams

from South Climb Trail via South Spur

July 25, 2020

June 20, 2021

12,276 ft

3,742 m

Huron Peak

from South Winfield Trailhead via Northwest Slopes

July 26, 2019

14,003 ft

4,268 m

Tabaguache Peak

from Blank Gulch Trailhead via Mount Shavano (Combo Route)

July 25, 2019

14,155 ft

4,314 m

Mount Shavano

from Blank Gulch Trailhead via East Slopes

July 25, 2019

14,229 ft

4,337 m

Missouri Mountain

from Missouri Gulch Trailhead via Northwest Ridge

July 22, 2019

14,067 ft

4,288 m

Mount Princeton

from Mount Princeton Trailhead via East Slopes

July 20, 2019

14,197 ft

4,327 m

Mount Sherman

from Iowa Gulch Trailhead via West Slopes

July 19, 2019

14,036 ft

4,278 m

Mount Yale

from Denny Creek Trailhead via Southwest Slopes

July 15, 2019

14,196 ft

4,327 m

La Plata Peak

from La Plata Trailhead via Northwest Ridge

July 15, 2018

14,336 ft

4,370 m

Mount Massive

from Mount Massive Trailhead via East Slopes

July 13, 2018

14,421 ft

4,396 m

Mount Elbert

from South Mount Elbert Trailhead via East Ridge

July 6, 2018

August 23, 2017

14,433 ft

4,399 m

Castle Peak

from Castle Creek Trailhead via Northeast Ridge

July 4, 2018

14,265 ft

4,348 m

Mount Oxford

from Missouri Gulch Trailhead via Mount Belford

June 24, 2018

14,153 ft

4,314 m

Mount Belford

from Missouri Gulch Trailhead via Northwest Ridge

June 24, 2018

August 22, 2017

14,197 ft

4,327 m

Quandary Peak

from Quandary Trailhead via East Ridge

June 18, 2018

14,265 ft

4,348 m

Mount Bross

from Kite Lake Trailhead via Mount Lincoln (Combo Route)

June 16, 2018

September 14, 2021

14,172 ft

4,320 m

Mount Lincoln

from Kite Lake Trailhead via Mount Cameron (Combo Route)

June 16, 2018

September 14, 2021

14,286 ft

4,354 m

Mount Cameron

from Kite Lake Trailhead via Mount Democrat (Combo Route)

June 16, 2018

September 14, 2021

14,238 ft

4,340 m

Mount Democrat

from Kite Lake Trailhead via East Slopes (Combo Route)

June 16, 2018

September 14, 2021

14,148 ft

4,312 m

Mount Bierstadt

from Guanella Pass Trailhead via West Slopes

June 14, 2018

14,060 ft

4,285 m

Mount Evans

from Echo Lake Trailhead via West Ridge

June 9, 2018

14,264 ft

4,348 m

Pikes Peak

from Barr Trailhead via East Slopes

August 21, 2017

14,110 ft

4,301 m

White Mountain Peak

from Barcroft Gate Trailhead via South Face

June 25, 2016

14,252 ft

4,344 m

Lead Rock Climbing Mentorship

KAF Adventures, Seattle, WA.

June 2023 - Sept 2023

Mountaineering: Leadership

KAF Adventures, Seattle, WA.

Aug 19, 2021 - Aug 22, 2021

Mountaineering: Intermediate

KAF Adventures, Seattle, WA.

Aug 30, 2018 - Sept 1, 2018

Mountaineering: Beginner

KAF Adventures, Seattle, WA.

Sept 1, 2018